About Us

Vision Statement

In addition to being fully committed to the overall vision of the University of Ilorin, the Department of Crop Protection seeks to position itself as a dependable supplier of graduates who are sufficiently competent and self-reliant to function in all crop protection-related positions in organizations within the global agricultural sector. In other words, the vision of the Department is to consistently produce graduates who are leaders in the field of phytopathology, pesticide toxicology, and agricultural entomology.

Mission Statement

To achieve the set vision, the Department of Crop Protection is committed to working assiduously in adapting its curriculum, teaching methods, and research outlook to meet the existing crop protection-related agribusiness, agricultural research, and policy needs in Nigeria while conforming to global best practices.


The program provides opportunities for individuals who wish to pursue Crop protection-related careers in Academia, Industry, and Government organizations. With a blend of relevant theoretical knowledge and practical activities, students are equipped to become fit for important career positions in the agro-input industry including seed and agrochemical companies; Universities and Research Institutes; and Multinationals with agricultural and crop protection mandates. In addition to employment opportunities, graduates of the program have ample opportunities to become self-employed and self-reliant as agripreneurs in the pest control industry, livestock feed production value chain, and as consultants.